Intern Blog Series: Love Thy Neighbor

Love is a feeling of joy, warmth, and comfort all rolled into one. Humans feel love towards family, friends, pets, significant others, and even inanimate objects, like cars. With Valentine’s day quickly approaching people throughout the US are searching for the perfect hallmark way to show their love for the ones around them. They want to spread the idea of what love means to them. The joy that individuals feel when they are surprised with love from the people they hold dear is unlike any other, and knowing that you helped to spread love, and hopefully make someone’s day better, can put an individual on top of the world. Knowing that love is out there brings hope to the hearts of many, but this love should be shown more than once a year and should be spread throughout the world.
There is a saying, “love thy neighbor.” Neighbors are more than those closest to a person in proximity or in intimacy, these are the people around the world. Some may speak differently, look different, pray differently, and even eat differently; but they are human nonetheless. Many throughout the world, even in the US, do not live in conditions that are considered inhabitable. Many are hungry, sick, and living on the streets or in camps. The love and effort that so many put into buying the perfect Valentine’s day gift could be spent by truly showing the amount of love that one has, not a lot of effort is needed to show the size of your heart. Global Outreach Leaders is striving to help everyone this year share their love, show their heart, and at the same time show their support for their neighbors around the world. Make a donation in a loved one’s name, sign them up for one of our donation packages, or even attend our event on February 17th  in Knoxville, Tennessee. Let us help to show the size of your heart around the world.

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