Intern Blog Series: What Matters in Life

As the semester comes to an end and our internship is coming to a close, I’ve come across a quote by Martin Luther king that I believe is appropriate as we begin to make our ways back home, “Life’s most persistent and urgent question is, ‘What are you doing for others?” This is such an important quote because it is another one of those that captures the true spirit of nonprofit work and the mission of Global Outreach Leaders. Nourah and the team at Global Outreach Leaders have committed a portion (if not a majority) of their lives in answering this very question. The knowledge that we have gained and the perspective of the reality of the missions this organization embarks on has truly changed the way I go about life. What this organization has done and is capable of doing is inspiring and I would encourage anyone looking to fill any empty time in their lives to join this mission and to become a part of something greater than oneself. It is so easy to get caught up in everyday life and one’s own problems (that aren’t as urgent as they seem) and to forget about the true troubles or others around the world and in our own country. As summer approaches, I believe that this is quote is one that should be kept in the back of your mind, to remember what really matters in life: giving back to and helping others.   -Cieria, Spring 2017 intern]]>

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